Mar 31, 2023
"It's ok to fail. Pick yourself up, reflect and assess. Don't make the same mistake over and over again"
In this episode you will learn: (list 3)
Mar 28, 2023
“I don't think content marketing and inbound are synonymous anymore. I think content marketing can support a whole lot more of the go to market than just top of funnel bringing leads inbound. I mean, they can touch sales enablement, customer marketing, field marketing, social media.” - Brooklin Nash
Brooklin Nash
Mar 22, 2023
"Most entrepreneurs are reactive with their hiring, but I'm more of a big picture guy. I want to have more of a strategy. So we've developed a strategic approach to recruiting, including assessing your existing team against a future state chart." - Kurt Wilkin
Kurt Wilkin
Kurt Wilkin is the co-founder of HireBetter...
Mar 21, 2023
“While I am very aware of my blind spots and where I lack, I also beat myself up heavily for those blind spots instead of focusing on what I'm really great at.” - Alexis Scott
Alexis Scott
Since the recording of this podcast, Alexis founded The Fairy Job Mom. She is also a founding member of the Old Girls Club and a...