Jul 15, 2019
This week on Scott Ingram rejoins us on the Catalyst Sale Podcast to talk about community, networking, learning, and an event he has coming up in October in Austin.
The Sales Success Summit will be held on October 14th and 15th in Austin. It is a curated list of experts who are the top performers in sales.
Let Scott and I know what tip discussed you are putting into practice.
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Growth Acceleration - Plateau Breakthrough
Demystifying Sales - Sales for Non-Sales Professionals
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Catalyst Sale
In every business, in every opportunity, there is someone who can help you navigate the internal challenges and close the deal. There is a Catalyst. We integrate process (Catalyst Sale Process), technology and people, with the purpose of accelerating revenue. Our thoughtful approach minimizes false starts that are common in emerging markets and high-growth environments. We continue to evolve our practice based on customer needs and emerging technology. We care about a thinking process that enables results versus a process that tells people what to do.