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Improve Performance, Provoke Thought, Think Critically.

You are constantly striving to improve.  You are looking for practical tips you can apply to your daily work that will impact your performance.  You are looking for advice from professionals who do the work. You want to engage with professionals who have been in your shoes.

Be the Founder that can clearly articulate the problem your company solves.

Be the Sales Professional that your customers want to work with.

Be the Learning Professional who can deliver your solution in the context of the business.

The Find My Catalyst Podcast is published weekly.  We take listener questions at @catalystsale on twitter or via email.

Topics discussed - Revenue Operations, Customer Success, Goal Setting & Execution, Mindset, Performance, B2B Sales, Sales Training, Product Market Fit, Growth, Hiring, Recruitment, Sales Process, Business Acumen, Startups, Leadership.

Jun 22, 2022

My Catalyst this week is Caron Heady. He is the Director of Health Services at Microsoft, and author of Salesman on Fire & Birth of a Salesman.

We go deep into a number of topics including culture, leadership, building teams, building your business, process, focusing on the moment, and a couple of great movie quotes.  If you are interested in the value of process, finding your fuel, and a mistake most leaders make with how they use data, you'll enjoy this conversation.

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Execute Better.

Start getting the right things done, in the right order, and grow your business.

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